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Knowledge Blending

Knowledge Blend helps you integrate new content into your existing knowledge base. It uses AI to intelligently match and merge content, helping you build a more precise and connected knowledge framework.

Key Benefits:

  • Extract useful information: remio reviews your knowledge base, understands your needs and interests, and pulls in only the most relevant information from your notes, documents, and web content. This helps saving you time and effort.

  • Place in the appropriate position: remio automatically places the distilled information in the right sections of your notes. It ensures all the info is organized in a way that you want, helping you maintain clarity and structure.

  • Match your writing habits: remio not only organizes your content but also learns your writing style. It adapts to your tone and structure, so new content blends smoothly with what you’ve already written, keeping everything consistent and cohesive.

How to Initiate Knowledge Blend :

  • From a Web Page: When browsing, use the remio browser extension to "Blend this source"

  • From a Note List: On a note card, click the "..." to bring up a function list, then select "Blend it".

  • From Note Details: In All notes and Collection, Fav pages, trigger from note details.

Step-by-Step Process:

  1. Initiate the Blend:
    When blending from a webpage, a task prompt box appears on the main app's "Unprocessed" page, indicating the task status. The status will be one of the following:
    "Knowledge is blending."
    "Knowledge has been blended."
    "Knowledge fail to blend."

  2. Confirm Results:
    A split-screen will appear, showing the original note on the left and the target note on the right.
    If there are multiple target notes, you can switch between them via tabs.
    The system highlights related snippets, and you can choose to accept or reject each suggestion.
    Accept: Completes the fusion for that specific result.
    Discard: Rejects the suggestion.

  3. Finalize and Review:
    Review the final blended result.

Important Points:

  • Blend Interruption: If you close Blend or go back when there are unconfirmed target notes, a pop-up window will appear, and the results will be lost.

Additional Options:

  • Multiple Target Notes: There may be several target notes.

  • Collection Suggestions: If no matching target notes are found, the system will search for related collections.

  • Manual Adjustment: Supports manual searching of target notes and fine-tuning of merged results.

After Blending:

  • The original note will have an inline jump link with the title "Source".

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